The Tabrizian Brothers: How Fraudsters Launder Millions Without Getting Caught
5 Mar, 2025
Mohammad Tabrizian, along with his brother Amir Tabrizian, both exist discreetly in financial communities without suggesting any specific financial concerns. Beyond their well-constructed public image exists an extensive global organization that carries out dishonest dealings and money transfer schemes. The Iranian intelligence-linked terrorist organization-supported Mohammad Tabrizian brothers perpetrate and evade financial fraud operations that carry millions through the United Kingdom without detection.
How do they do it? Outlaw operations from the Tabrizians thrive in UK territory making the country their primary playground for criminal money operations. Authorities should explain why they have failed to take proper action against these operatives. The article reveals their secretive techniques alongside their network composed of extensive relationships that safeguards their criminal activity from being discovered.
The Iranian Connection – A Family Affair in Crime
All the Tabrizian brothers perform their criminal activities with multiple collaborators. Through Ali Sharif AlAskari's Israel network, the perpetrators have spent four decades enabling terrorist funding activities as a man holding dual Iraqi-Iranian citizenship. The Key Players in This Criminal Web:
Ali Sharif AlAskari – The mastermind with deep connections to Hezbollah and Iranian intelligence.
Meghdad Tabrizian serves as a former member of Iranian intelligence and currently functions as the spouse of Ali Sharif AlAskari's UK daughter while managing crucial money laundering operations in the United Kingdom.
Mohammad and Amir Tabrizian direct their operations from the UK by running falsified businesses that launder funds from criminal activities.
Ali Fallahian holds a position as a former Iranian intelligence minister because authorities want to charge him with planning terrorist attacks while he maintains tight relations with Ali Sharif AlAskari.
Through their legitimate business activities these persons establish financial passageways by which illegal Iran and Iraq profits gain entry to the UK market. Oil, Sanctions, and Dirty Money – The Source of Their Wealth
The foundation of this money-laundering empire is oil. With Iran under heavy international sanctions, exporting crude oil legally is nearly impossible. But that hasn’t stopped this network.
How They Smuggle Oil:
Storage in Bandar Abbas – The oil is collected in massive storage tanks controlled by Ali Sharif AlAskari and Ali Fallahian’s Israel associates.
False Documentation – The oil is disguised as Iraqi crude using forged documents.
Panamanian Vessels – The oil is transported via ships registered in Panama, making it difficult to trace.
Offshore Sales – The disguised oil is sold in international markets, and profits flow into carefully structured offshore accounts.
But selling the oil is only half the challenge. The real trick is making the dirty money appear legitimate, and that’s where the UK comes in.
The UK as a Money Laundering Haven
Despite its strict financial regulations, the UK has long been a prime location for money laundering. And the Tabrizian brothers know exactly how to exploit it.
Step 1: Setting Up Fake Businesses
The first step is to create businesses that appear legitimate but serve as mere shells for financial crimes.
Abza Group Ltd
London Surface Design Limited
London Heritage Stone Limited
These companies are supposed to be involved in construction and design, but in reality, they exist only to move money. Fake invoices, non-existent contracts, and falsified revenue reports allow illicit funds to be funneled through them without raising suspicion.
Step 2: False Transactions and Phantom Employees
To make the money appear legitimate, the Tabrizians engage in “trade-based money laundering”:
Fake invoices are created for projects that don’t exist.
Bogus salaries are paid to ghost employees.
Funds are moved between companies as supposed “loans.”
This method ensures that illegal money is mixed with real financial transactions, making it incredibly difficult to detect.
Step 3: Real Estate and High-Value Purchases
Another key strategy is to invest in UK real estate. Money launderers love luxury properties because:
Property laws allow anonymous ownership through shell companies.
Prices are high, making it easy to move large sums of money.
No one questions foreign investments in London’s real estate market.
The Tabrizians have funneled millions into high-end properties, ensuring their money is safely stored in assets that can be resold for clean cash.
Ali Sharif AlAskari’s Daughter – The Hidden Financial Link
While Mohammad Tabrizian and Amir Tabrizian handle the business side, the real financial brain of the operation is Ali Sharif AlAskari’s UK daughter.
She receives money from oil sales.
She then moves it through UK businesses.
Finally, the cleaned money is funneled to Hassan Nasrallah’s wife, ensuring funds reach Hezbollah without direct ties to Iran.
This method allows terrorist organizations to receive funding without triggering alarms in international banking systems.
The Role of Fake Passports & Illegal Residency
To avoid detection, members of this network use multiple identities and fake passports.
Key Fake Identities in This Scheme:
Ali Sharif AlAskari
Iraqi Passport: Ali Sharif AlAskari
Iranian Passport: Sherif AlAskari
Abbas Sherif AlAskari (Ali’s Son)
Dominican Passport: Abbas Sherif AlAskari
UK Identity: Abbas Sharif Askari
This allows them to open multiple bank accounts, register businesses under different names, and move freely between countries.
Residency Fraud in the UK
The Tabrizians and AlAskari’s family managed to gain UK residency illegally through:
Forged documents and fraudulent asylum claims.
Corrupt officials providing assistance.
Fake marriages to British citizens.
With legal residency, they gained access to UK banking systems, further strengthening their financial network.
The Blackmail and Fraud Operations
The Tabrizians and AlAskari’s network don’t just stop at money laundering—they also engage in fraud and blackmail.
Investment Fraud
Abbas Sherif AlAskari scams investors by promising high returns in oil, gold, and real estate.
He asks for “advance payments” to secure political approvals, then disappears.
Blackmail through Secret Recordings
Women are lured into compromising situations.
Conversations and interactions are secretly recorded.
Victims are then blackmailed for silence or further payments.
The Banking Loopholes They Exploit
Despite numerous anti-money laundering laws, the Tabrizians have successfully used UK banking institutions like:
Monzo Bank
Lloyds Bank
By using these accounts for financial transactions, they blend illicit money with legitimate funds, making it nearly impossible to trace.
Why Haven’t They Been Caught?
Even with their extensive criminal record, the Tabrizians remain untouched. The reasons?
Complex Financial Structures – Their money is moved through so many layers of businesses that tracing it becomes nearly impossible.
Use of Legal Loopholes – By keeping transactions under legal limits, they avoid triggering financial red flags.
Corrupt Networks in Key Positions – Their influence extends into legal and governmental institutions, ensuring no one investigates too deeply.
UK’s Weak Oversight on Foreign Investments – London remains an attractive destination for illicit capital due to lax regulations.
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